Portfolio of Partnership Trade Title

Publisher Namibia Publishing House
Print Price N$ 292.32
Print ISBN 9991600833
Portfolio of Partnership is a penetrating study of the long arduous path towards the ultimate goal in labour relations: social partnership between management and employees. It is usually not a partnership in the sense of joint ownership, but rather a partnership of common goals, mutual initiative and shared rewards. As participants in a collective venture the two parties are bound by a common destiny, the successful outcome of which depends heavily on the level of dedication, cooperation and trust between them.
In this venture the stakeholders may be assisted by the third force in the tripartite configuration: govern and its several institutions specifically tailored to facilitate an often fragile alliance. Essentially espoused by the ILO and its global membership, the concept of tripartism gives credence to the ideals of industrial democracy as a cornerstone of economic prosperity. This book approaches labour relations and the implicit question of social partnership from varied perspectives. The theoretical dimension serves as a frame of reference and explanation. The empirical and comparative views give substance to the structure. The relatively short time-span of Namibia's recorded history takes us from a pre-colonial setting - in which the distinction between employer and employee in the modern sense hardly existed - throught several decades of virtual social enmity, and then onwards through a gradual socio-political metamorphosis, until the present era in which the potential for cooperation has grown appreciably. Indeed, compared with the situation only a few years ago, it can rightfully be maintained that Namibian labour relations have achieved significant strides towards maturity. And yet, the path towards sustained industrial peace remains perilous and strewn with impediments. Its success­ ful negotiation will demand strong leadership, sincere devotion and a great deal of concerted effort by all role-players in the work-sphere. If these are not readily forthcoming the prognosis for our society looks disturbingly bleak. In analysing labour relations in Namibia's transitional society, this study endeavours to promote understanding of an often perplexing topic. It simultaneously endeavours to point the way for­ ward towards the elusive yet cherished goal of genuine social partnership in our country.