Stare of Daggers Readers

Publisher Namibia Publishing House
Print Price N$ 110.31
Print ISBN 9789991625546
STARE AT DAGGERS is the debut novel of a young Namibian working as a project coordinator for a local NGO. It is a fantasy based on African soil, hinting at Namibia through the use of nature.
a nine-year-old girl, Stare at Daggers witnesses the brutal killing of her parents and the River clan people by the ruthless King Brutus. He burned her entire village in search for a special dagger that has been entrusted to her. She then sets out on a journey to avenge her parents and restore what has been taken away from her clan. Little does she know that she herself is special. Themes of revenge, sacrifice, personal happiness and responsibility towards your people make this book not only a good read, but also a great basis for intriguing class discussions on personal growth and difficult so relevant to the Namibian youth.